Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Vicente Fox Said that Mexican immigrants are taking
jobs in the US that even Blacks dont want to take.

Any minute now Im going to figure out why that offends me.Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

This Friday May 20,2005 6:30pm

Los Comités de base Feliciano Ama, Che Guevara y Miguel Mármol

Te invitan a una peña político-cultural
en honor al nacimiento de:

¡Revivamos la memoria histórica!

Poesía por "Epicentro" y Guillermo,
Música Revolucionaria por "Cumbaley, Guarumo,.."
Arte por Nelson
Comida tipica
Camaradería y mucho más...

Entrada: Gratis

Viernes 20 de Mayo, 2005
6:30 PM

Iglesia Immanuel
3300 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles 90005
(esquina Wilshire con Berendo)

Para más Información
(323) 839-2455
P.O. Box 57576 Los Angeles , CA 90057

¡Prohibido Olvidar!
Pasá la vos y envíale esta invitación a tus amig@s

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Vos? Posted by Hello

Who are we? What is an Epicentro?

Hey all, these were some questions I came up with a long time ago when I was writing an article about the epicentros (quien sabe donde quedo...) I thought it might get this site started a little. Just start writing what you can and you can come back to it later and add more. Just click on comments below to respond.

Tell me a little about your background.

Where did you grow up and what was it like growing up there? (as a Central American?)

How did you hear about the Epicentros?

What made you want to get involved?

What school do you go to & what do you study?or if no school where do you work?

What is important about this group? what makes it unique?

Where have you performed or published and what was it like?

What are your plans, or the groups plans for the future? What would you like to see the group do?

Anything else you want to add?

Any other questions you would like asked?

Reunited and it feels so good

From L to R: Leyda, Karina, Ana
Dalila, Maya, Hugo, Anayvette, Marlon, Leisy Posted by Hello

Topics to write about

Hey Epis,
Here are some topics we discussed at our meeting at Mamas Hot Tamales that will hopefully inspire some writing:
being moved out/moving in
needing space
ethnic cleansing
creating family
deserving art

dancing, birthing, ceremony
celebrating, documenting, yearning, earning, preserving
land, home,

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Welcome To EpiCentroAmerica

Bienvenidos al Blog de artistas, poetas, escritores, locos/as centroamericanos /as en el web.

From the center of America erupts Epicentro: an organic literary collective straddling performance, spoken word and testimonial artforms, composed of inter-generational community-minded cultural activists of Central American extraction that write to resurrect memory and inspire action. These Central American bodies in flux and immigrant voices rise from Hollywood bus stops, volcanic ashes, quetzal wings, peripheral MacArthur Park, Mission pupuserias and more. Epicentro is a land of creation; it exists beyond physical boundaries. You don't join Epicentro vos sos Epicentro!